Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In your wildest dreams.

For the past few weeks I’ve been having bizarre dreams. You know those type of crazy dreams where you either wake up thinking
a)WHAT THE EF is wrong with me that I am dreaming about this?
b) I can’t remember what I was dreaming about but boy is it making me feel strange this morning.

Throughout my life if something is bothering me, if I have strong opinions/emotions about something or perhaps I am thinking about something frequently, I’d have recurring dreams about whatever that is.

One particular recurring dream I used to get and have gotten in the past week is where I am in a building that for one reason or another is burning down, I am on an upper level and the floors under mine are collapsing on each other. By the time it’s my floors turn, I am already on top of all the rubble and am looking for my loved ones. You can obviously imagine where this dream stems from, (9/11). Since I was 11 years old when it happened, I guess it was always a fear in my head which comes out in an unconscious state. This week I had a dream that I was in a building having cocktails with friends when a fire erupted in a far away building, and then another one closer, and closer and closer. Until most of the city was on fire and my building was next. I guess my building didn’t go on fire but I remember thinking “Wow, the whole city is burnt down, we have to start all over now..”

Another recent recurring dream I’ve been having is one that only deals with closet space. Since in my own house there is a lack of it, more closet space is something I am always yearning for (Hi, I am a female). And lately I have dreams where either my parents and I move into a new home where in my room I have four closets, or I find a new floor in current my house where there is a kitchen, a gigantic bathroom, and basically a walk-in closet bigger than the size of my actual room… These dreams to me are equivalent to that of a wet dream for guys.

Last night I dreamt of my old apartment. I sometimes dream about it because I guess it reminds me of my childhood and brings back only good memories. In this dream my dad and I were morphing (I don’t know?) into different shapes/animals (lol still don’t know), but it turned out an old friend of mine was back and was my neighbor. I guess I dreamt about him because I thought of him before I went to sleep.

I love dreaming, especially when I can vividly remember my dreams the next day. It’s interesting to see what your mind can conjure up while you sleep.. What kind of dreams have you been having?


Sarcastic Bastard said...

I'm old. I can't remember most of my dreams--just that evil motherfuckers are always chasing me. Sometimes, if I flap my arms, I can fly and get away.

Love you.


meg fee said...

oh man, i keep dreaming about this guy that i'm doing my darndest to get over--and these dreams are making it quite hard to get over him. euf.

i used to (sometimes still do) about seeing planes crash. that's my post september 11 recurring nightmare.

Sofya said...

sb- you are REALLY. FUCKING. FUNNY. always make me chuckle.

meg- I used to have the same thing with the guy situation. ALWAYS dreamt of an ex that I could not get over. those dreams suck.