Monday, November 30, 2009

Burst of nostalgia

Yes, it happens to be 3:51 am as I am writing this.
And yes! I do have an exam in the morning (well 12:50 doesn't count as morning to some, but in my case it's morning)..
And ofcourse I am looking through old pictures on my computer feeling nostalgic as ever...

particularly because of this:

and this :

oh and can't forget:

paradise is this:

{pictures from a dominican republic vacation last April} 

..I wish it were warm right now, and that I was laying on a beach somewhere getting nice and toasty...
I want to swim in the ocean ...and hold the hand of the one I love.  

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble Gobble...

Thanksgiving turned out to be a great success this year. How can it not when you’re surrounded by the people you love, eating the delicious food you prepared together. The girls and I arrived to Sasha’s house early to give her a hand with the cooking, although she clearly had everything under control! By the time we got to her house everything was either prepared or a work in progress! We all put ourselves to good use and had everything set up in no time. When we sat down to eat we made a toast to our fabulous host and each went around the table saying what we were thankful for. We only got to say one thing so I thought I should make my own little list.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for:
1. My family. Although we are a crazy bunch- my parents are always supporting me in everyway possible. I might not always show how much I appreciate everything they’ve given me, but I don’t take it for granted. I am really lucky to be blessed with such parents.
2. The most extraordinary group of friends anyone could only hope for (this is the one we all mentioned at dinner). My friends are my backbone. I have that type group of friends that doesn’t change as the years come and go. I think I’ve collected some keepers (win)! Being an only child, my friends became my family. I love each and every one of you, I hope our friendships last a lifetime.
3. The mistakes I’ve made. Although most days I bitch about them, if it weren’t for “mistakes” you wouldn’t be able to see things for what they really are. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes this year, but I think at the same time they made me realize what’s truly important to me. And maybe even what type of person I want to become.
4. To be living and breathing. I’m thankful for my health, for the health of my loved ones, and to be able to live and grow day by day.

 {pretty picture of the scooped out tomatoes}
{Me doing my share in the stuffing of the stuffed tomatoes :)}
{final product of stuffed tomatoes}
{kitchen nazi grilling the vegetables}

{carmelized onion and goat cheese on crostini}

{THE turkey}

{cutting THE turkey..}

{our lovely little thanksgiving dinner all prepared!}

Check out Sasha’s blog for more mouth-watery goodness!
This young lady makes cooking simple, enjoyable and effortless.
I’ve learned a lot from her over the years.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Anticipating the Turkey...

I am particularly excited for Thanksgiving this year! In the past, Thanksgiving only meant a night or two that my parents went away to Atlantic City. Some years I held parties, other years seem to be a blur now. This year I will be giving thanks at my good friend Sasha’s house. It will be our third consecutive year spending this tasty holiday together (which I guess can now be called a tradition, & I LOVE traditions!). But this year I am joining Sasha in the kitchen! A regular person might not be as excited about this as I am, but I’ll have you know not just ANYBODY joins this kitchen commander in her Thanksgiving upheaval. This is the first year I have ever felt so excited about Thanksgiving, makes me hungry just writing this.
In other news, I cannot wait for the  movie NINE to come out, it looks like it's going to be amazing!… I have a feeling it will be a {dinner, cosmos + a movie} night with the girls.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Day. Another Birthday Party.

My friend Mike celebrated his 21st birthday party at yet another Russian restaurant last night. We had a swell time with lots of alcohol and dancing! Here are some (well most of the) pictures:

{ofcourse I had to take a few pictures of the makeup}  
{Birthday boy and I}

La Roux lav<3

For the past few days I've been completely in love with la roux and these three songs. They keep me chipper as ever as I prance around my room dancing like no ones watching…well, because no one is (unless I have some peeping toms watching me dance like a fool around my room) lol. La roux has an amazing voice and I can definitely relate to the lyrics.  Have a listen : )

Friday, November 13, 2009

Just one of those days..

I haven’t posted recently because although “the good stuff” is the name of the blog, nothing good has been happening. I’ve had one of those weeks where nothing feels right. One of those weeks where you feel overwhelmed by everyday activities that would normally seem doable but are no longer so. I hate when I feel this way but out of nowhere the little things that bother me that can easily be pushed aside, all creep up at once and consume my mind.… I feel like I’m losing sight of who I am again.

This week has been pretty horrible but I hope this “down in the dumps” state of mind wont last long because I don’t have the authority to do the depressed teenager thing. Since I no longer am even considered a teenager *sigh*. It feels a bit pathetic to undergo the same ridiculous emotions I did when I was fourteen.

....BASICALLY I really need to get my sh!t together. =]

I’ve been slacking in school— letting the work pile up and not having the drive to do get it done, having a bit of a health problem that has put me in distress for every single waking moment lately…. add some “I miss how things used to be” and a “I’m bored of life” attitude and you’ve got yourself a girl whose drowning in self pity. PUHHHthetic I know, but we’ve all been there.

Usually when a person feels down they seek for comfort. I haven’t been able to find comfort in anything – not my friends or family (although they have been trying their best & I love you guys for everything) or basically anything. But tonight I’ve remembered what has always helped me get through tough times and as strange as it sounds I find comfort in old school linkin park albums.. So tonight: it’s me + linkin park and I think it might be working.

Sorry to be a downer but I had to get it out there.
There, that feels better.
Hopefully my next post will be exploding with GOOD STUFF to share.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This years Halloween was spent in a state of total inebriation at the Above & Beyond concert held at Roseland Ballroom. No costume this year :X Here is the turn out :

{had to take a picture of the makeup, obviously}