Monday, December 21, 2009


Lately I feel as if I’ve been changing. I look at the person I was a few years ago and the person I am today .. and I really think I am becoming an adult. Not so much when it comes down to responsibilities because I don’t have to pay any bills or even have a job for that matter, but the way I think, the choices I make, and what is important to me. Just a few years ago I was that girl who didn’t give a shit about school. It was the least important thing on my “list of important things”. Everything outside of school was so much more important.. friends, boys, experimenting, “drama”. All that stupid stuff that teenagers who go down the wrong path go through. Its crazy that this once-an-underachiever is now the girl who is not satisfied with anything less than an A. I’m really proud of myself. Because I WAS that person- failing most of my classes, might not be graduating on time, skipping school, doing things that good little girls aren’t supposed to be doing. But I got my shit together and I cut the bullshit. I did what I had to do and I graduated high school on time whilst most of my so called "friends" had already dropped out or gotten g.e.d.s. And now, in my second year of college I am a completely changed person than I was in high school. I’m not proud of everything I have and haven’t done. I sometimes wish I didn’t mess up in high school and partake in activities that are less than flattering to my image. I regret not doing my best in high school and being all that I can be. But you know, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I had done anything differently. So I guess I’ll take my choices and my mistakes because at least right now I know what is important to me. The important thing is that ive taken most of my mistakes as lessons learned. I really feel a steady change inside myself. I know I’m growing up and it kind of scares me.


Lexy Sen said...

Guess who I am? "capullo" LOL
I really love what you write, it's so simple and so real, really "good stuff" :)

I've done a new blog, something to reinvent myself I think it's time to, I would like you to check it and see if you could understand something. I swear I try to write in english but seems I'm pretty much of a spanish girl LOL

miss you :)

Saskatoon said...

Lovely blog!

Check mine out if you'd like...

x x x