Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today, I had an interesting experience at the local supermercado (supermarket, duh). I know that different countries live different lives from the one I’m used to. I also know that Spaniards LOVE pork. So you can put those two things that I know together and you get this.

And this.

And this.

After coming across all of these delicious pig legs I suddenly got a craving for cranberry juice. – So I went to get myself some cranberry juice.. and I searched and I searched and I searched. And do you know that Spanish people don’t drink cranberry juice? So my little craving wasn’t satisfied until I came across a red bull that instantly became my new craving. I don’t know why but the fact that Spaniards don’t drink cranberry juice really made me laugh (on the inside ofcourse). Anyone want to ship some over?

I also came across some cuddling ferrets today and it reminded me of someone back home that I miss a little bit : ).

After the pig legs and the ferret lovers I went down to the beach. The sun was scorching hot but the water was muy perfecto! It was the perfect temperature. The kind you don’t hesitate to go in but is still refreshing at the same time.

& LAST but not LEAST… The kid in me found an old weakness <3

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