Thursday, October 29, 2009

"This page reveals it"

So yesterday was an insanely long & hectic day—but I survived! I gave my speech, took my quiz, met Sherman Alexie (which got me surprisingly overly-excited) and studied the night away!

Highlight of my day? Obviously meeting Sherman Alexie. The book reading was held at Barnes&Nobles in Union Sq. and as usual I arrived five minutes late. I found myself standing for an hour since by then all the seats were taken. Maybe if Alexie wasn’t as brilliant as he was, I would have minded, but boy oh boy he is the MAN! He was comical & witty & left the crowd more than pleased. After the book reading, a line was formed for him to sign autographs—half an hour wait—but it was worth it. When my friend and I finally came up to Alexie he signed all three of my books, took a picture with me & when I asked “Who is the killer in Indian Killer?” He responded with “I’m not telling!” He then flipped to a page in the book and wrote “this page reveals it”. I received the answer from the author himself! Boy do I feel cool! I’m going to be the coolest kid in class tomorrow, just you wait and see : ). Although even with this little hint after reading and rereading that page, I still don’t know who the killer is, guess I’ll have to finish the book to figure it out…..I’m such a nerd o_0.

 {the book reading & interview }

{Sherman Alexie & I, kind of an awkward pic huh?}

{All three of my signed books}


In other more girly-who-gives-a-fuck news.. I wore really bright lipstick the whole day? I think I’ll make that the new thing that I do…lol..maybe?
P.S. if anyone is wondering why I am reading about Indians it is because the novel Indian Killer was assigned for my English class but it is a serious page turner, otherwise I wouldn’t buy two other books by that author, huh?   fuckshitfuckshitfuck fuckshitfufjdffdfdffdfffdfdfdffdfdfdfdfdfdfdffdfdfdfdfdffffffffffdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfckshit  P.P.S. The quality of these pictures is horrible because they were all taken with my crappy blackberry camera. My old camera broke a few weeks ago and I am left in DESPERATE need of a new one!


Sasha said...

I'm digging this lipstick ; )

Anonymous said...

yes i love the lips!

Sofya said...

Thank you! ;)