Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The good stuff

- Ah yes, that good stuff. The name of my blog. I guess this is the part of starting a blog where I have to scribble a little something of what is going to be revealed in this blog of mine.

Well the truth is, I cannot put a label to it just yet.
So let me just state a few things about myself.

My name is Sofya.
Born in Ukraine & raised in New York.
A college student who drinks excessively and appreciates sex to its fullest extent.
Aspiring to be- haven't made up my mind yet.
Love my family, friends, and myself.
Trying to figure out who I am.
Want to experience all that good stuff that life has got to offer and really make the best of every situation.

I want to see where life takes me. I'm going to take this blog wherever it is that I am going. I hope whoever is following along is enjoying the ride. =]

1 comment:

Sasha said...

Congrats, dahling!
Looking forward to reading your bloggy-blog.
Luhh you!